New tile on VIP to point to the “VIP marketing page”
need a tile on the VIP page that links to info on what the VIP programme is. Suggesting this is the page that exists but is linked to from current/old homepage
Adrian Hicks
over 3 years ago
in Digital Service
Request on Hold
Please can we make the whole tiles on Billing L1 Hub clickable - just having hte text clcikable is more difficult and not aligned with MYSky L0 where the entire tile is clickable
Adrian Hicks
over 3 years ago
in Digital Service
Promoted to Digital Service Roadmap
As a business we want to automate Home Move Amendments. As part of that, we'd like to get customers who call us to an RPA bot being built. This would benefit customers not having to wait to get through to Sky to complete a simple task...resultantl...
buvaneswari sundarraj
almost 3 years ago
in Digital Service
Awaiting Review by Relevant Team
As a business we want to automate Home Move Bookings. As part of that, we'd like to enable customers who call in to provide HM details via AVS , then stamp this to an MHR for the RPA BOT to process. For Home Move Bookings we need AVS to: Identify ...
almost 3 years ago
in Digital Service
Awaiting Review by Relevant Team
Request category should be DC labs/Digital Sales/Digital Service & Small Change. This request is to make amendments both to Digital Channels & STAN related to visit charging & missed appointments. 1) Premium Install Visits - Currently ...
Single URL for Warm Welcome front page to send to customers
We want a single URL that all customers can access, be them a BB&T, Mobile or TV customer. This will mean all new customers will have a single resource to get all the information they may require at the beginning of their Sky journey. If this ...
Daniel Tipping
about 3 years ago
in Transcomms/Billing
Request Cancelled
We have added a new automation to go live which automatically adds 2 days Loss Of Service for broadband. We want to add on a statement to all FAV endpoints in digital that advises the customer they will receive LOS automatically. "We will add 2 da...
Calum Drury
about 3 years ago
in Editorial Only
Promoted to Digital Editorial Optimisation Roadmap
Home Move Amend/Cancel automation Kana form required
Currently approximately 800 calls per week into the call centre from customers looking to amend or cancel their Home Move- this is a no value add conversation so we are going to automate the process -Chat bot -to kana to RPA to process
about 3 years ago
in Digital Service
Promoted to Digital Service Roadmap
Currently there is no information online about booking/amending a Master Socket Relocate appointment. Looking to publish a help article that mirrors One Help content and allows customers to complete these actions online removing the need to call f...