As a business we want to automate Home Move Amendments. As part of that, we'd like to get customers who call us to an RPA bot being built. This would benefit customers not having to wait to get through to Sky to complete a simple task...resultantl...
buvaneswari sundarraj
almost 3 years ago
in Digital Service
Awaiting Review by Relevant Team
As a business we want to automate Home Move Bookings. As part of that, we'd like to enable customers who call in to provide HM details via AVS , then stamp this to an MHR for the RPA BOT to process. For Home Move Bookings we need AVS to: Identify ...
almost 3 years ago
in Digital Service
Awaiting Review by Relevant Team
Request category should be DC labs/Digital Sales/Digital Service & Small Change. This request is to make amendments both to Digital Channels & STAN related to visit charging & missed appointments. 1) Premium Install Visits - Currently ...
*Rich Hagerty Update 16th November* Requirement updated to be creation of an online Home Move journey for both customers and staff. Original requirement was... We know that there is an online booking journey for Home Move created by DC Labs. We wa...