We know that around 1.2k calls per month for customer who are experiencing an issue with Sky talk. Particularly in the "Cant make some call" & "Cant receive calls". We want to make these specific journeys fully online for our customers. This will require a KANA form to be able to send these directly to CRT. Sapphire will be the first phase before then fully automating the process.
Why? - To reduce calls into the contact centre, Asking the right questions first time, Reducing repeats.
Benefit - Reducing 400p/w which will be repeats, improving the customer experience and FTR.
Links - https://www.sky.com/help/home/sky-talk/fix-problems-with-my-phone/diagnostics/fix-problems-with-your-phone/cant-receive-calls
Links - https://www.sky.com/help/home/sky-talk/fix-problems-with-my-phone/diagnostics/fix-problems-with-your-phone/cant-make-some-calls